Bootstrap Migrating from previous versions
Guide to understanding upcoming changes with Bootstrap 4 and how to upgrade Bootstrap 3
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Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework in the world for building responsive, mobile-first projects on the web. Bootstrap provides the ability to rapidly create modern websites that are fully responsive.
With the announcement of Bootstrap 4 many websites potentially will need to be updated. In addition building current Bootstrap sites should be made compatible with Bootstrap 4. Many students have asked me what they need to do in order to get ready for the new version of Bootstrap. This course covers what you need to know for migrating and creating Bootstrap 4 ready websites.
- Explore whats new with Bootstrap 4
- See comparison between Bootstrap 3 vs Bootstrap 4 code for the most popular and commonly used classes.
- Find out whats changed and what to expect
- Learn about the difference and the new way of thinking about Bootstrap 4 web development
- We show you whats changed, whats been improved and whats new
- Images and responsive images have changed
- Tables have new classes for even more
- Wells, panels and Thumbnails are gone replaced with Cards see how they compare
- Navs and navbars find out why Bootstrap 4 is better and more colorful
- Watch how to transform a navbar coded in Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4
Using Bootstrap has never been easier and it just makes sense. I'm here to help you learn how to use Bootstrap and ready to answer any questions you may have.
Are you ready for Bootstrap 4, join the course and learn about it.
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