Full Course List
Laurence Svekis at Udemy

Learn the basics of starting to use HTML and how to create a website
introduction to HTML Course ★★★★★ Rated 4.45 stars by 49 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Learn how to setup and run an AMPPS local server. Develop, trouble shoot and test PHP and database applications locally
Setup AMPPS localhost for web development ★★★★★ Rated 4.5 stars by 32 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Build an interactive web application from scratch using jQuery and JavaScript
jQuery Practice Project for Beginners Lock Combo Guesser ★★★★★ Rated 4.24 stars by 33 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Bring HTML code to life with JavaScript. Access and update your web code with JavaScript through the DOM
Learn JavaScript Dynamic Interactive Projects for Beginners ★★★★★ Rated 3.93 stars by 30 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Learn the basics of JavaScript with code examples JavaScript is key to making web page content dynamic and interactive
JavaScript for beginners JavaScript Fundamentals concepts ★★★★★ Rated 4.67 stars by 47 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Learn JavaScript in under 1 hour Core concepts and fundamentals of JavaScript
Basics of JavaScript coding ★★★★★ Rated 3.89 stars by 182 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Practice exercise to apply JavaScript building a fun interactive game application from scratch
JavaScript Word Scramble Game from scratch course ★★★★★ Rated 4.28 stars by 4 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Build 10+ complete websites from scratch, supercharge your portfolio learn how to create websites
Ultimate Web Developer Course Build 10 Websites from Scratch ★★★★★ Rated 4.13 stars by 312 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
HTML5 JavaScript Jquery project from scratch learn by example. Step by step awesome application built from Scratch
Canvas image Creator HTML5 JavaScript project from Scratch ★★★★★ Rated 4.37 stars by 17 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Explore how to build this JavaScript Game from Scratch based on the card game war. Step by step learning JavaScript
JavaScript War card game project from Scratch ★★★★★ Rated 4.42 stars by 43 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Create interactive application - connect Google Spreadsheet to track Calendar events and create Calendar events
Google Apps Script - CalendarApp & SpreadsheetApp Project ★★★★★ Rated 3 stars by 1 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
JavaScript DOM Document Object Model - Explore how to manipulate elements while building a fun interactive game
JavaScript Game Exercise - Quick Click Popper Game ★★★★★ Rated 4.3 stars by 7 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
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