Full Course List
Laurence Svekis at Udemy

A-Z Guide to launching your own website. The entire process is explained how to pick a domain and setup a website
Successful website creation - everything you need to know ★★★★★ Rated 4.35 stars by 32 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Explore JavaScript AJAX how to connect to web APIs retrieve JSON data to output in your web application using JavaScript
JavaScript AJAX XHR for beginners ★★★★★ Rated 4.49 stars by 22 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Quick guide to using JSON together with AJAX to create Dynamic interaction for web content
How to use JavaScript Objects JSON AJAX explained ★★★★★ Rated 4.45 stars by 137 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Learn more about using Git for source file storage and version control. Course features Git access with GUI and CLI
Introduction to using Git ★★★★★ Rated 4.65 stars by 93 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Create Powerful Thumbnails to DRIVE More Traffic to your Video. How to optimize your Videos for better SEO in Search
YouTube Thumbnails Power of Images for SEO Video Marketing ★★★★★ Rated 3.84 stars by 109 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Learn how to create a web application from scratch. Apply JavaScript to HTML and CSS to build a Blackjack application
JavaScript HTML Game from Scratch Blackjack ★★★★★ Rated 4.59 stars by 48 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Learn and practice jQuery within this unique mini project that uses jQuery and JavaScript to build an interactive game
jQuery Practice Game Project for Beginners Color Guesser ★★★★★ Rated 3.87 stars by 17 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Learn how to use AJAX to send data to your web server and get response data back to output in your web applciation
Dynamic JavaScript Master Class AJAX JSON Simple APIs ★★★★★ Rated 4.27 stars by 304 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Build an AJAX GET and POST request sending testing web application from scratch using JavaScript
AJAX Tester Application XHR Fetch jQuery Axios ★★★★★ Rated 4.43 stars by 7 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Everything you need to learn how to write JavaScript code from scratch The complete web developer JavaScript Course
Guide to learning JavaScript ★★★★★ Rated 4 stars by 47 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Guide to getting started with AJAX use jQuery to make seamless connections to external data sources and APIs
Learn jQuery AJAX in 1 hour ★★★★★ Rated 4.35 stars by 184 students ★★★★★
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