Full Course List
Laurence Svekis at Udemy
Create Powerful Thumbnails to DRIVE More Traffic to your Video. How to optimize your Videos for better SEO in Search
YouTube Thumbnails Power of Images for SEO Video Marketing ★★★★★ Rated 3.72 stars by 155 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
Start creating professional high quality videos that will grab attention - a new level of creation. Explaindio Tutorial
Learn to Create Professional Whiteboard Sketch Videos HD ★★★★★ Rated 4.32 stars by 125 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
Getting started with JavaScript Intro course for Beginners
JavaScript Intro to learning JavaScript web programming ★★★★★ Rated 3.45 stars by 198 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
This is a Guide for anyone who wants to start Learning more about website design and to learn about HTML code
HTML Learning the Basics Intro to HTML website coding ★★★★★ Rated 3.84 stars by 141 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
How to start thinking about mobile and why you should create your website with mobile in mind.
Benefits of Thinking Mobile First Future of Website Design ★★★★★ Rated 4.02 stars by 67 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
Using a Google Doc Template - Populate the data from a Spreadsheet - Generate PDFs and email them to the listed emails
Google Apps Script Emailer PDF maker from Doc Template ★★★★★ Rated 4.88 stars by 4 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
Create a time saving GSuite Google Apps Script project to automatically create a slide presentation from Sheet data
Google Apps Script Slides Maker from SpreadSheet Data ★★★★★ Rated 5 stars by 2 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
Explore how you can get started with Node JS learn how to apply node and create mini applications with node code
Quick Start Guide Node JS for Beginners Getting started ★★★★★ Rated 4.28 stars by 10 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
Explore what you can do with Google Apps Script and how you can use it to Create a Task Tracking web app
Task Tracking Application with Google Apps Script GSuite ★★★★★ Rated 4.71 stars by 3 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
Explore JavaScript Document Object Model web page element updates manipulation using JavaScript code to create a GAME
JavaScript DOM Game Blackjack JavaScript Game from Scratch ★★★★★ Rated 4.5 stars by 1 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
Bootstrap 4 for rapid website development - fundamentals of Bootstrap 4 websites, applying components create web pages
Bootstrap 4 Quick Website Bootstrap Components 2020 Course ★★★★★ Rated 4.1 stars by 3 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
explore how you can build a single page website using Bootstrap 4 fully responsive website from scratch Bootstrap
Bootstrap 4 Single Page Website Bootstrap 4 ★★★★★ Rated 4.58 stars by 5 students ★★★★★
Course on Udemy
Course on Udemy
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HTML5 CSS3 JQUERY Single Page Website Project from ScratchHow to make a website HTML CSS for Beginners CourseGuide to learning JavaScriptEasy Video Creation For Marketers and BusinessesExercise JSON server with AJAX practice application